Applications for membership are always welcome.
When you join the Society you will be contributing to new advances in the history of Warwickshire. You receive for your subscription each of the titles published by the Society as they become available. In addition you can buy copies of past publications at a discount.
You will be invited each year to an annual meeting at which leading historians give papers on new discoveries about the history of Warwickshire. You will also be invited to a summer meeting in a historic house. These occasions give you chances to meet informally with others interested in history.
How to join the Dugdale Society
Members pay an annual subscription, renewable on 1st January each year. Subscriptions rates are decided upon by the members at the Annual General Meeting. Membership subscriptions (as at 2022) are:
Individual Members (UK): £20 per annum
Individual Members (Overseas): £30 per annum
Institutional Members (UK): £25 per annum
Institutional Members (Overseas): £30 per annum
New members are encouraged to pay their subscription using online banking. Please contact the The Secretary.
to obtain the bank details.Sterling cheques should be made payable to: "The Dugdale Society" please send the cheque along with an Application Form and send it to:
The Secretary
The Dugdale Society
Shakespeare Centre
Henley Street
CV37 6QW
Subscriptions can now be paid using PayPal - please email The Secretary to ask for an invoice.